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[ESG Management] 2024 Essential Strategy for Companies: "Sustainable Growth and Social Responsibility"

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • ESG management is a management strategy that pursues sustainable growth and the creation of social value, focusing on a company's responsibility regarding environment, society, and governance.
  • ESG management is an essential strategy that enables companies to strengthen their competitiveness, attract investment, practice social responsibility, and achieve sustainable growth.
  • This blog post emphasizes the importance of ESG management for companies in 2024 and introduces best practices of companies in various industries and customized strategies for small and medium-sized enterprises.
[ESG Management] 2024 Essential Strategy for Companies

[ESG Management] 2024 Essential Strategy for Companies "Sustainable Growth and Social Responsibility"

[ESG Management] 2024 Essential Strategy for Sustainable Growth and Social Responsibility of Enterprises

Concept and Importance of ESG Management

ESG management is a management strategy centered on the responsibility and practices of companies regarding environment (E), social (S), and governance (G). Aiming for sustainable growth and long-term value creation, ESG management is not simply about enhancing the competitiveness of companies, but also about seeking positive contributions to social and environmental impacts.

Importance of ESG Management

Sustainable Growth of Enterprises: ESG management can secure long-term growth drivers for companies by responding to changes in the environment, such as strengthening environmental regulations and increasing demand for social responsibility.

Creation of Social Value: Companies can actively participate in solving social problems, create social value, fulfill their social responsibilities, and fulfill their roles as members of society.

Securing Investor Confidence: Companies that well practice ESG management receive high ratings from investors, which are beneficial for attracting investments and increasing the value of the company.

Key Elements of ESG Management

1. Environment

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving energy efficiency, expanding resource recycling

Developing and investing in eco-friendly technologies, efforts to prevent environmental pollution

2. Society

Social contribution activities, talent donation, operation of financial education programs

Creating safe jobs, promoting diversity and inclusion

Contributing to local community development

3. Governance

Transparent management structure, operation of independent audit committees

Strengthening communication with shareholders, implementation of shareholder rights protection policies

Establishing and complying with ethical management principles

ESG Management Best Practices

1. Environment

POSCO: Development of low-carbon technology, waste recycling, ecosystem protection

SK Telecom: Recycling program for used mobile phones, expansion of eco-friendly energy use

2. Society

Shinhan Financial Group: Financial support for the underprivileged, talent donation, financial education programs

CJ Logistics: Collaboration with social enterprises, creating jobs for the vulnerable

3. Governance

Samsung Electronics: Decision-making structure centered on the board of directors, operation of an independent audit committee

Hyundai Motor: Transparent information disclosure, emphasis on ethical management

-ESG Management Strategy Development: Developing a strategy linked to the company's vision, values, and goals

-Stakeholder Participation: Encouraging participation from stakeholders, including employees, customers, investors, and the local community

-ESG Management Evaluation and Improvement: Continuous improvement efforts through ongoing evaluation

-ESG management is an important value that has a positive impact on society as a whole. Companies must actively practice ESG management to emerge as companies that pursue sustainable growth and fulfill their social responsibilities.

The following are major ESG management activities of companies.

-POSCO development of low-carbon technology, waste recycling, energy efficiency improvement

-Shinhan Financial Group financial support for the underprivileged, talent donation, operation of financial education programs

-Samsung Electronics decision-making structure centered on the board of directors, operation of an independent audit committee, strengthening communication with shareholders

-SK Telecom addressing the digital gap for the underprivileged, supporting social enterprises

-KT solving social problems using 4th industrial revolution technologies, contributing to local communities

-LG Chem developing eco-friendly materials, energy conservation, and waste reduction

-Hyundai Motor developing and distributing electric vehicles, developing safe driving technology

-CJ Logistics logistics industry innovation, creating social value

-KB Kookmin Card financial support for the underprivileged, social contribution activities

ESG Management, Best Practices Applicable to SMEs

ESG management is not just for large corporations. SMEs can also actively introduce ESG management to enhance their competitiveness and achieve sustainable growth.

Here are some best practices of ESG management that SMEs can refer to.


Resource Recycling

(주)Ecoball: Production of eco-friendly pellets and building materials using waste plastics

(주)W: Production of high-quality furniture and interior products using waste wood

Energy Efficiency Improvement

(주)Ecoenergy: Providing LED lighting and energy-saving solutions

(주)Ecosoft: Development and operation of energy management systems


Community Contribution

(주)ILEF: Providing IT education and job support for underprivileged individuals in local communities

(주)KTS: Supporting the development and sales of local specialty products

Employee Welfare

(주)Krafton: Operating employee-friendly systems, such as flexible work schedules and childcare leave

(주)Netmarble: Operating employee self-development support programs


Strengthening Management Transparency

(주)Bareunson: Operating an online employee communication platform

(주)Krafton: Operating an independent audit committee

Ethical Management

(주)Netmarble: Establishing and implementing ethical management regulations and training

(주)Line Plus: Implementing the recommendations of the Fair Trade Commission

SME-Tailored ESG Management Strategy-ESG Management, An Opportunity for SMEs

Enhanced Competitiveness: By complying with environmental regulations, reducing energy consumption, developing eco-friendly products, etc., companies can reduce production costs and create new market entry opportunities.

By practicing social responsibility, ethical management, etc., companies can enhance their corporate image, gain trust from customers and investors, and strengthen their competitiveness.

Securing Growth Drivers: By participating in government support programs, attracting investments, and obtaining social enterprise certification, companies can secure growth drivers and lay the groundwork for sustainable growth.

By securing diverse talent, generating innovative ideas, and improving problem-solving capabilities, companies can enhance their organizational capacity and discover new growth opportunities.

Creation of Social Value: By contributing to local communities and participating in solutions to social problems, companies can create social value and fulfill their social responsibilities.

The creation of social value leads to enhanced corporate image, stronger brand value, and social recognition and trust, laying the groundwork for sustainable growth.


ESG management plays an important role in the growth and development of SMEs. Companies should actively adopt ESG management by referring to best practices and developing SME-tailored strategies. ESG management is an essential strategy that enables companies to enhance their competitiveness, achieve sustainable growth, and fulfill their social responsibilities at the same time.

Recommended Company Selection Criteria

ESG Management Evaluation Results: Companies with high ESG management practices were selected by referring to the evaluation results of organizations such as the Korea Governance Institute and the Korea ESG Standards Institute.

Industry Distribution: Companies showing the positive effects of ESG management in each industry sector were selected through a diverse industry distribution.

Social Impact: Companies with a significant social impact in various aspects such as environmental protection, social responsibility, and governance improvement were selected.

Information Accessibility: Companies that are easily accessible to the general public and allow for the referencing of cases were selected.

Recommended Companies and Reasons for Selection

POSCO: As a leading company in the steel industry, POSCO is at the forefront of environmental protection through the development of environmentally friendly technologies, improvement of energy efficiency, and increase in resource recycling rates.

Shinhan Financial Group: Through various social contribution activities, talent donation, and operation of financial education programs, the Shinhan Financial Group is setting an example in creating social value and fulfilling social responsibilities.

Samsung Electronics: Through a transparent governance structure, ethical management, and an independent audit system, Samsung Electronics is enhancing corporate credibility and laying the groundwork for sustainable growth.

(주)Isotech: Successfully implemented environmental management through energy conservation and waste recycling, enhancing competitiveness and creating new market entry opportunities.

(주)Ecovolt: Through the development and distribution of eco-friendly electric vehicle charging systems, it contributed to the creation of social value and environmental protection, laying the groundwork for sustainable growth.

(주)Bareunson: By employing and empowering people with disabilities, it is fulfilling its social responsibility, creating a culture of diversity and inclusion, and driving organizational innovation.

(주)KGS: By establishing ethical management standards and providing training, it has fostered an ethical management culture and enhanced the long-term value of the company.

Data Sources

Korea Governance Institute, 'ESG Management Report 2023'

Korea ESG Standards Institute, 'ESG Evaluation and Rating 2023'

Each company's website and ESG management-related materials

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